Through the Recovinyl network, 734,568, tonnes of Recycled PVC waste were registered in 2018, a 16% increase from 2017. This number represents PVC recycling which were entirely recycled in Europe. This result brings us ever closer to the achievement of the 2020 target, of recycling 800,000 tonnes of PVC waste, as one of the challenges set in the VinylPlus Voluntary Commitment.
The results were presented at the 2019 edition of the VinylPlus Sustainability Forum in Prague, Czech Republic, where the industry shared further progress towards increasing the sustainability performance of PVC. Despite regulatory constraints, VinylPlus General Manager Brigitte Dero announced that the PVC industry recycled an all-time high of nearly 740,000 tonnes. It was also commented that Recovinyl remains the main contributor to the VinylPlus total (99%). Read VinylPlus's press release here.
This positive result would not be attainable without all the recyclers and converters in the Recovinyl network, therefore we would sincerely like to thank you all for permitting Recovinyl to achieve these great results, we couldn’t have done it without your continuous effort and support. It should also be noted that within the new 2019 VinylPlus Progress Report the professionalism of the recyclers within the Recovinyl network is commented upon: “thanks to the experience gained by recyclers working with Recovinyl, audits and on-site visits showed a significant general improvement in the professionalism of the recyclers network and in the quality of the recyclates.”
PVC recycled within the Vinyl 2010 and VinylPlus frameworks per application can be observed below.

In 2019, Recovinyl are motivated to continue to ensure that PVC recycling is being encouraged and stimulated throughout Europe. Recovinyl are also continually mediating between recyclers and converters to establish a trustworthy relationship and material flow based on a recycled PVC material certification system.