Recovinyl can announce that in 2022, 810.240 tonnes of PVC waste was recycled.
810.240 tonnes contributes to the 813.266 tonnes recycled within the VinylPlus framework in 2022.
The amount of PVC waste recycled represented around 27% of the total PVC waste generated in 2022 in the EU-27, Norway, Switzerland and the UK.
Demand for recycled PVC (rPVC) remained very high until the third quarter of the year, in a very competitive market.Despite governments incentives supporting the B&C (building and construction) sector, a slight decrease in market demand was registered in the last quarter of 2022, possibly also due to extremely high energy costs.
The registered uptake of rPVC from converters reached 561.795 tonnes in 2022, a 24.8% increase compared to the previous year.
We would like to sincerely thank all recyclers and converters for reporting their numbers to Recovinyl/VinylPlus. We couldn’t have achieved this result without their continuous effort and support.

To see the Recovinyl® 2022 results Click HERE